Beautiful day @swplains! We're hosting LETRS® Volume 1 Cohort 1 - Unit 3 today! @ksdehq @LexiaLearning #ScienceofReading #LETRS @kaylee_schw

This is a common space for technology personnel to get together for networking and to learn and grow. Changed to Virtual Only! Register at https://bit.ly/3OIYcKz

Our office will be closed Friday, March 21 for the support staff to enjoy a day of spring break. We will reopen Monday, March 24 with regular office hours. @swplains

ESOL Praxis Prep session: Language Learning & Professional Issues - Register at https://bit.ly/429WPMK

@swprscJen is in Garden with our #wkla WKLA group today discussing communication skills and listening to a panel of principals— 3 of whom are WKLA graduates.
Thank you to panelists: Molly Colvin @mollscolvin, Steven Novotny, Ashley Winger, and Justin Coffey @JustinBCoffey
@swplains @USAKansas @KASBPublicEd

Busy day @swplains! Kokopelli Conference Center Room 2 is hosting LETRS® Cohort 4 - Unit 2 today! @ksdehq @LexiaLearning #ScienceofReading #LETRS @kaylee_schw

We're hosting @swplains the @ksdehq ELA Standards and Mini Tests/Interims: Using Data to Help Drive Instruction workshop today facilitated by Becky Alexander, @USD457 and our own Maryjane White v@Maryjan68005700. Participants are reviewing changes in ELA standards as well as changes for KAP assessments.

Today's School Finance 201 session @swplains with Dr. Kellen Adams, superintendent of Leavenworth Schools was built on the fundamentals covered in the 101 session. This advanced session dove deeper into the strategic aspects of school finance.

We enjoyed having the participants for LETRS® Cohort 3 - Unit 2 in the house @swplains yesterday! @ksdehq @LexiaLearning #ScienceofReading #LETRS

Great meeting of @ksdehq KESA School Improvement Work Day participants! @Ambermi_EdD @USD443 @USD457 @USD480 @USD475 @ShannaDinkel @ingramhollyann

Thanks to DCS Services and Darrel Kohlman @retiredNCSupt for info on Facilities Planning/Project Management and for providing lunch at Supts Council @swplains

Being in-person at Supts Council @swplains is a great opportunity to network and get feedback/ideas from other area superintendents.

Thank you to @benproctor1977 Dr Ben Proctor for bringing @ksdehq KSDE updates to our Supts Council @swplains

Great updates from @KASBPublicEd @DrBrianJordan at our Supts Council @swplains.

Great things are happening @usd494 Syracuse with the Parents As Teachers (PAT) program. Thanks to Paul Larkin and Kellsie Mandeville for presenting!

@swplains welcomes Sally Cauble @CaubleSally to Supts Council today! Thanks for the information on Kansans for Excellence in Education (KEE).

Getting started at Supts Council @swplains!

NEW DATE! Join us for the Western Kansas Careers Showcase Multi-Career Showcase. Register at www.startherestayhere.org #startherestayhere @joecoles33 @swplains @USAKansas

NEW DATE! Join us for the Western Kansas Careers Showcase Multi-Career Showcase. Register at www.startherestayhere.org #startherestayhere @joecoles33 @swplains @USAKansas

Today is the DAY! Registration opens for this limited HGSS opportunity this coming summer! Only 30 seats available! Register today at https://bit.ly/43rE8EW. @swplains @ksdehq @BloydJessie