How well do EL students know words in your content area? What are the benefits of vocabulary routines for English language learners? Don't miss this session with Dr. Gayla Lohfink! Register at
Are you new to CTE and have more questions now that the school year has started? Appropriate for new CTE coordinators, teachers and those serving as long-term subs or in transition to teaching program. Register at
There are 3 separate workshops in this series. Pick one or more as needed to support your preparations for the ESOL Praxis. #L&C Register at
Social-Emotional Learning is one of the five measured outcomes set by the KS SBOE as well as a vital component of the KESA Accreditation process. If this is an area in which you are struggling or just need new ideas or a nudge, please join us. Register at
This session is great prep for the K-6 teachers needing to pass the Principles of Learning & Teaching Praxis Test (#5622) for licensure. Register at
We invite HGSS educators in grades K-12 to join us for this PLC Extravaganza! Register at
Finally! A one-stop place for all your student data. Find easy-to-understand info on assessments, grades, attendance, behavior and more on your school, class and/or students. Perfect for having meaningful conversations with parents! Call SWPRSC for a demo! @DataInsightPart
Get these dates on your calendar now! We want to see you in Manhattan! SWPRSC Perkins Consortium members can request reimbursement for registration, lodging and subs.
This session will provide best practices and program suggestions which can be measured on KESA Foundational Rubrics for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Register at
So glad @c9swander Craig Neuenswander joined us for a another excellent BBQ lunch at SWPRSC! Everyone is appreciative of the monthly school finance updates you bring! @ksdehq
We invite you to join us for a day of networking and sharing of resources with other Title I colleagues. Register at
Enjoyed hearing about Taking Care of Your Facilities from Dr Brad Rahe & Dr Steve Pegram from Energy Solutions Professionals (ESP) at Supts Council today.
Thank you to @USD443 Dr Scott Springston for highlighting info from the Curriculum Leaders Advisory Group.
It’s a great day to be at the SWPRSC Supts Council! Thank you @KASBPublicEd @DrBrianJordan for providing updates from KASB!
Session will provide an opportunity for high school students that are interested in the business field to meet with adults and business partners in these areas to learn about "a day in the life", skills it takes to get there and possible internship opportunities.
Thank you to @boardworksed Matt Argubright @Matt_Boardworks for presenting information on your K-12 Resources.
Our admin at NWKS Admin Council really appreciate monthly updates from Craig Neuenswander @c9swander @ksdehq. Thank you for joining us!
We appreciate updates from @KASBPublicEd @DrBrianJordan at NWKS Admin Council!
Thank you to Matt Gordon @OberlinUSD294 & team for providing info on #eSports to NWKS Admin this morning!
Cadres will include collaborative opportunities to come together to share successes and challenges; and learn about/discuss topics related to this important piece of the Kansas Individual Plan of Study. Register at