Big news! You can now add video and images to your #eWalkThrough ® Call SWPRSC for more info! 800.728.1022
Problem Solving Protocol in action! @ThomasCMurray #AuthenticEDU
“When we allow someone else to tell our story, they will often change the narrative.” @ThomasCMurray #AuthenticEDU
“Every day, in every one of your schools, great things happen. How does your community know?” @ThomasCMurray #AuthenticEDU
This session is intended to answer district and building leaders’ as well as teachers’ questions related to computer science education policy, especially as it relates to advanced placement (AP) course offerings. Register at
Sessions 1 & 2 of 6 - Discover the principles of the triad of hope, design an intervention to use with the most difficult students, & analyze a strategy for handling defiance & passive resistance. Register at
“On the other side of your maximum fear are all the best things in life.” ~Will Smith @ThomasCMurray #AuthenticEDU
NWKS Teachers will learn how to structure their classrooms, lesson plans, and teaching strategies to successfully support English learners. There are 3 separate workshops in this series. Pick one or more as needed to support your preparations for the ESOL Praxis.
"Sometimes it’s our own lens that gets in the way. It’s our own mindset that can inhibit our ability to see things differently; to ultimately redefine what’s possible." @ThomasCMurray #AuthenticEDU
Lunch looks and smells delicious! Great morning with @thomascmurray #AuthenticEDU Great afternoon ahead!
Wish you were here! @thomascmurray #AuthenticEDU
“When you know your why your what has purpose.” @thomascmurray #authenticedu
It’s so nice to have a room full of warriors! @thomascmurray #authenticedu
Tom is in the House! @thomascmurray #authenticedu
Sessions 1 & 2 of 6 - Discover the principles of the triad of hope, design an intervention to use with the most difficult students, & analyze a strategy for handling defiance & passive resistance. Register at
Come explore lessons designed to help intermediate and secondary teachers deliver explicit, multisensory, language-structured content for all learners. Free to SWKS LiNK, nominal fee all others.
It's easy for us as adults and even our students to make a plan. However, what can be challenging is putting that plan into action, monitoring how the plan is working, making necessary adjustments to our plan & reflecting on the overall outcome. Join us 6-8 to learn more.
Last chance to get the last seat at Leading Through Change with Tom Murray. Register at
Let the celebrations begin! This is a day packed with fun! Three in one! What are the chances?!
Sessions 3 & 4 of 6. Join us as we discover the power of using sincere empathy before a consequence, learn how to set limits in ways that build trust and security, and discuss how to gain control we need. All welcome. Register at